Shipbuilding & marine infrastructure
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Shipbuilding & marine infrastructure – науково-виробниче та науково-популярне видання, засноване у вересні 2014 році Національним університетом кораблебудування імені адмірала Макарова, Академією наук суднобудування України, Міжнародною академією морських наук, технологій та інновацій
ISSN 2409-3858 (Print), ІSSN 2519-1845 (Online)
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Свідоцтво про державну реєстрацію: КВ № 242883-14123 ПР від 02.12.2019 р.
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Документ The 18H2N4MA steel strength characteristics increase = Повышение прочностных характеристик стали 18Х2Н4МА(2015-11-09) Dubovoy, A. N.; Дубовой, А. Н.; Volkov, G. V.; Волков, Г. В.; Zhdanov, A. A.; Жданов, А. А.The article considers the impact of prerecrystallization heat treatment on the hardness, strength and fatigue strength of the 18H2N4MA steel after preliminary shot blasting. It is experimentally established that as the result of prerecrystallization heat treatment at 500 °C with 3 minutes delay the layer with an increased measure of hardness (hardness is increased by 42 %) is formed on the 18H2N4MA steel surface after the preliminary shot blasting. The 18H2N4MA steel shot blasting causes the formation of compressive stresses in the surface layer, the subsequent prerecrystallization heat treatment does not change the nature of the residual stress, but only leads to the decrease in the absolute values, preserving the work-hardened layer depth. The prerecrystallization heat treatment leads to an increase in fatigue strength of the 18H2N4MA steel about 2.7 times compared with the shot blasting and increase of the tensile strength by 11 %, with plasticity indexes substantially constant. Such an increase in the strength indicators of the 18H2N4MA steel as a result of prerecrystallization heat treatment is caused by the formation of the substructures with shredded precinct in the steel surface layer. The given assumption is confirmed by the X-ray diffraction and electron metallography results. After prerecrystallization heat treatment the partial subgrains grinding from 222 ÷ 133 nm after shot blasting to 90 ÷ 49 nm is observed in the 18H2N4MA steel structure. = Исследовано влияние предрекристаллизационной термической обработки на предел прочности, твердость и усталостную прочность стали 18Х2Н4МА после дробеструйной обработки.Документ 75 років кафедрі суднових та стаціонарних енергетичних установок Національного університету кораблебудування імені адмірала Макарова(2015) Горбов Віктор Михайлович; Шостак Володимир Павлович; Horbov Viktor M.; Shostak Volodymyr P.Документ A geographic information system for territorial development of the marine regions of China(2020) Chang, Liu; Mamonov, Kostiantyn A.; Чан, Лю; Мамонов, Костянтин АнатолійовичAbstract. The necessity of using geographic information systems to ensure the territorial development of land use in the regions is substantiated, taking into account the influence of spatial, urban, investment and environmental factors, as well as the experience of coastal regions of China. The aim of the study is to develop directions and features of the formation and use of geographic information systems for the territorial development of land use in the coastal regions of China. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: the formation of a system of factors of territorial development of land use in the coastal regions of China; definition of geographic information systems of territorial development of land use in coastal regions; formation of directions for the development and implementation of geographic information systems of territorial development of coastal regions of China. The factors affecting the territorial development of the use of coastal regions are determined: spatial, urban, investment and environmental. They form a system of indicators that allow for an integrated assessment and to build on its basis the geoinformation support for the territorial development of land use in the coastal regions. The components that influence the formation of the geographic information system of the territorial development of land use in coastal regions are identified. An algorithm is proposed and a scheme is created for the creation and operation of geodatabases of indicators of territorial development of land use in the coastal regions of China. The developed system of geoinformation support for the territorial development of land use in the coastal regions of China allows us to build geoinformation maps of systemic spatial, urban, investment, and environmental factors. This makes it possible to build a three-dimensional geoinformation model for monitoring the state of territorial development of land use in the coastal regions of China as an innovative tool for monitoring and making informed decisions in the system of territorial development of land use in the coastal regions of China.Документ Acquisition of technical vocabulary and shipbuilding terminology in chinese didactic environment = Изучение общетехнической и судостроительной терминологии в китайскоязычной дидактической среде(2015-11-09) Chernitskiy, V. B.; Черницкий, В. Б.; Jang, Xilai; Жэнг, КсилаиDidactic problems dealing with masterіng English scientific and shipbuilding terminology by Chinese students have been studied. The study deals with a particular issue of rendering educational services in English as an intermediary language in the Chinese teaching environment. This issue mainly concerns the improvement of teaching process through the development of methodological materials for mastering the fundamental terminology of shipbuilding in the foreign language environment. The key principle for our terminological array selection was based on the intelligible assumption: due to the extension of integration processes of science and technology development and globalization intensification, that are both reflected in the languages of our everyday life, the main attention is to be paid to the mastering of specialized terminology, that of shipbuilding theory and practice fundamentals. It logically resulted in devoting less preference to the general scientific notions and terms as the latter are easily conceived as ‘internationalisms’ in almost all European languages. To substantiate such an assumption we relied on general ways of assimilation in Chinese of the so called ‘internationalisms’ and borrowings from English. In order to prove the validity of this obvious approach we had attempted a brief experiment which demonstrated complete inconsistency of our approach. Thus, the data obtained allow us to solve the aboveindicated problem of CLIL teaching in Chinese didactic environment. = Рассмотрены вопросы усвоения студентами общенаучной и специальной технической терминологии в условиях китайскоязычной дидактической среды. Предложена методика подготовки учебных материалов для повышения качества учебного процесса в среде китайских судостроительных колледжей и ВНЗ.Документ Документ Analysis of influence of mode and geometric chrate-ristics on processes of high-frequency inductive plasma torch with reverse vortex flow(2014) Serbin, S. I.; Сербин, C. И.; Mostipanenko, A. B.; Мостипаненко, А. Б.The analysis of aerodynamic and heat structure of flow in high-frequency inductive plasma torch has been carried out. The range of plasma torch power is measured in dozens of kilowatts. The numerical simulation methods of the turbulent flow in the plasma torch affected by high frequency electromagnetic field without considering the chemical kinetics are used during the research. The data of temperature field and induced current density in the plasma torch depending on current amperage and frequency are obtained. Also, these data are obtained depending on the flow scheme in the operated on argon and air plasma torches. The inductive plasma torches can be applied to solve a wide range of tasks such as activa-tion of coal-dust mixture with its further gasification, coating process for the stabilization of combustion processes as well as for the recycling processes at the mobile seaport recycling complexes. The calculations demonstrated convincingly the advantage of the operation of plasma torches with reverse vortex flow over plasma torches with “direct” vortex flow. Moreover the ob-tained data allow executing the assessment of thermal efficiency of inductive plasma jet and obtaining its optimal operational modes.Документ Analysis of the development and current state of the use of power plants based on pneumatic engines(2018) Mytrofanov, O. S.; Митрофанов, А. С.The article presents the main stages of development and use of compressed air energy in transport plants for various purposes. The domestic and foreign literature on the development of the current state and prospects of the use of compressed air energy and pneumatic engines in the power plant of vehicles have been analyzed. The list of problems arising in the application of pneumatic engines is determined, as well as rational ways of further increasing the efficiency of power plants are established. The main advantages and disadvantages of pneumatic engine using in the composition of transport power plants are highlighted. So, the main advantages include high environmental friendliness, depreciation of vehicle production, lower mass and dimensions parameters. Disadvantages include low efficiency coefficient due to multiple energy conversion, limited power consumption of filling cylinders and engine cooling due to the expansion of air. The most common pneumatic engine designs (piston and rotary) and their performance properties are considered. It has been established that rotary pneumatic engines, in terms of energy, mass and dimensions, and performance parameters, exceed other engines. Some of their inherent operational disadvantages, which may limit their use in some spheres, can be eliminated or reduced to acceptable standards at the right design solution. The variants of the basic schemes of power transport plants with pneumatic engines, namely the use of a pneumatic engine as an auxiliary power unit (hybrid units) or, as the main one in aeromobiles, are considered.Документ Analytical Studies of the Physical Fields of Hydroacoustic Stations with Linear Long-Length Towed Arrays Near the Sea Surface(2017) Leyko Aleksandr G.; Derepa Anatoliy V.Виходячи із завдання систематизованого дослідження характеристик гідроакустичних станцій в умовах, що моделюють реальні, в роботі розглянуто модельне уявлення лінійної протяжної буксируваної антени такої станції в присутності морської поверхні та одержані аналітичні співвідношення, що дозволяють описати фізичні поля антени.Документ The application of nanostructural foil for diffusion welding of composite based on aluminum alloy 6061 containing 55 % SiC(2018) Bugaenko, B. V.; Buturlia, Y. A.; Kvasnitskiy, V. V.; Kvasnitskiy, V. F.; Korzhik, V. N.; Бугаєнко, Б. В.; Бутурля, Е. А.; Квасницький, В. В.; Квасницький, В. Ф.; Коржик, В. Н.The process of diffusion welding in vacuum (DWV) of an aluminum-based composite using nano-multilayer aluminum–nickel and aluminum–titanium foils is investigated. Aluminum alloy 6061 hardened silicon carbide (55 at.%). It has low ductility, which makes deformation activation of the surfaces being joined difficult. Therefore, DWV perform through the intermediate layer, for example, aluminum foil. In this work, the layers obtained by the method of electron beam deposition were used. In layers with alternating nanolayers with rapid heating, reactions of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis take place, in which the amount of generated heat is sufficient for additional heating of the composite and it’s melting, which ensures activation of the surfaces to be joined. At the first stage, the creep processes of the composite under DWV conditions are investigated, the parameters and the creep equation are determined, as well as the allowable deformations that do not cause cracks. For DWV, Al/Ni and Al/Ti foils with thicknesses of 20, 40, 50, and 94 microns were used. The effect of the thickness of the interlayers on the formation of compounds has been established. It is shown that, regardless of the interlayer system, at the majority of the junction metal has a composite structure with common grains and the boundary between the connected samples is not determined either by structure or by chemical analysis.Документ Application of Three-Dimensional Modeling for Gradient Aerosol Technologies for Separating Ice Crankcase Gases(2017) Ryzhkov Serhiy S.Застосовано тривимірне моделювання для градієнтних аерозольних технологій сепарації картерних газів двигунів внутрішнього згоряння. Створено тривимірні моделі для чисельного експерименту вдосконаленого масловіддільника-прототипу. Виконано дослідження в діапазоні витрат картерних газів 2...10 м3/год. На основі розрахунків створено дослідний зразок сепаратора та виконано його експериментальні дослідження на спеціальному стенді. Визначено коефіцієнт сумарної ефективності очищення, який досягає 99,9 %.Документ Assessment of rigidity of the designed intermittent connections in ship structures(2018) Korobanov, Yu. N.; Kuznetsov, A. I.; Hrabenko, A. A.; Коробанов, Ю. Н.; Кузнецов, А. И.; Грабенко, А. А.The article presents the assessment of rigidity of ship intermittent connections. The stress distribution and the values of rigidity coefficients of intermittent connections of the structure have been studied. The analysis is based on the results of computational procedures which follow the finite and boundary element methods to the contrary of the numerical methods used by other authors who cover the same topic. It has been established that there is a great variance and a lot of allowances in rigidity coefficients, as well as methods for their calculation. An analysis of methods for determining rigidity coefficients has shown that they cannot practically be introduced into the computer-aided system for ship structure design in the form presented in appropriate literary sources. In addition, the paper covers various ap-proaches to interpretation of the rigidity coefficients of intermittent connections and methods for their calculation using the example of a discontinuous plate. It is shown how to apply the finite and boundary element methods with their possible integration into computer-aided design systems.Документ Automation of the monitoring and control processes of a mobile robot for processing of large inclined surfaces(2018) Kozlov, O. V.; Gerasin, O. S.; Kondratenko, Yu. P.; Kushnir, V. O.; Козлов, О. В.; Герасін, O. C.; Кондратенко, Ю. П.; Кушнір, В. О.The article renders special features of the design of a tracked mobile robot (MR) for moving over inclined ferromagnetic surfaces while performing specified technological operations. There is conducted a synthesis of the functional structure and selective technological parameters (such as control coordinates) of the computerized monitoring and control system (CMCS) intended for use with this MR. Application of the CMCS with the proposed functional structure allows substantially increasing the accuracy of the MR monitoring and control, which in turn provides for a considerable enhancement in the quality and economic efficiency of the operations on processing of large ferromagnetic surfaces.Документ Complex of tasks for monitoring and automatic control of mobile robots for vertical movement = Комплекс задач мониторинга и автоматического управления мобильными роботами для вертикального перемещения(2017) Kozlov, O. V.; Gerasin, O. S.; Kondratenko, G. V.; Козлов, А. В.; Герасин, А. С.; Кондратенко, Г. В.There have been analyzed and formalized the tasks of monitoring and automatic control of mobile robots (MR) for their movement and execution of various types of technological operations on inclined and vertical ferromagnetic surfaces. Generalized structure of a mobile robotic complex is shown with consideration to its main subsystems. The paper presents critical analysis of the current state of the problem of development of universal structures of MRs for the various types of technological operations and elaboration of computerized systems for monitoring and control of MR movement. In particular, there is provided a review of wheeled, walking and tracked MRs with pneumatic, vacuum-propeller, magnetic and magnetically operated clamping devices to grip vertical and ceiling surfaces. The constructive features of the crawler MR with a magnetic clamping device capable of moving along inclined ferromagnetic surfaces are considered. The basic technical parameters of the MR are shown for the further synthesis of computerized monitoring and automatic control systems. Formalization of monitoring and control of the MR positioning at the processing of large ferromagnetic surfaces is considered from the point of view of the control theory = В работе проведен анализ и формализация комплекса задач мониторинга и автоматического управления мобильными роботами (МР) для перемещения и выполнения различных технологических операций на наклонных и вертикальных ферромагнитных поверхностях большой площади. Определены основные управляемые координаты гусеничного МР с магнитными прижимными устройствами для дальнейшего синтеза компьютеризированной системы мониторинга и автоматического управления.Документ Conceptual model of project management for robotic water area clearing from underwater potentially hazardous objects(2018) Hrytsaienko, Maksym H.; Грицаєнко, М. Г.Антотація. Сформульовано науково-прикладне завдання управління проектами очищення акваторій від підводних потенційно небезпечних об’єктів. Реалізацію завдання пропонується виконувати шляхом застосування засобів морської робототехніки. Розроблено узагальнену концептуальну модель управління проектами роботизованого очищення акваторій на основі єдиного інформаційного простору проекту. Модель створена як чотирирівнева структура. Кожний рівень реалізується відповідними засобами морської робототехніки і пов’язаний з іншими за допомогою системи інформаційного обміну.Документ Constructive tendencies of speed increase of small and high-speed vessels(2014) Korobanov, Yu. N.; Коробанов, Ю. Н.; Kuznetsov, A. I.; Кузнецов, А. И.; Korobanova, A. A.; Коробанова, А. А.The new laws of formation of the hull structures which can lead to the movement speed increase of small and high-speed vessels are discussed. The constructive decisions of such vessels are analyzed: planning boats, hydrofoils, catamarans, relief vessels, surface-piercing vessels, kinematically hull hinge vessels, with outriggers, swath vessels, hovercrafts, sailing vessels with wing propeller. The effect of speed increase is determined by means of the formation of transverse and longitudinal planning steps, hydrofoils including the wings of relief vessels, and also by means of the air cushion. The hydrodynamic schemes which pro-vide the hull lifting above the water surface are much more common and this operation is car-ried out by planning, wing-systems, creating the air cushion, as well as by the combination of these constructive methods. The constructive decisions and methods related to the reduction of the wave component of water resistance are determined and systemized. This is achieved in two ways, either by the hull lifting above the water surface or hull submerging under the water, either by the decrease of the waterline area or increase of the ratio of the vessel in its width. The research results can be used in the design of new types of speed and small vessels with the possible compilation of several constructive ways in order to improve the speed of sailing. The set laws allow controlling the design processes, making a variety of design deci-sions in the formation of hull structures of small and high-speed vessels.Документ Content management of marine infrastructure innovation projects(2014) Koshkin, K. V.; Кошкин, К. В.; Voznyy, A. M.; Возный, А. М.; Antykova, I. V.; Антыкова, И. В.The article is devoted to the actual approaches of the content management of ma-rine infrastructure innovative projects. The innovative activity of objects of marine infrastruc-ture is one of the main ways of their adaption to the constant changes of the environmental conditions. Found that the principle of the full life cycle management should be in the basis of manage-ment of innovative projects of marine infrastructure development. The content of life-cycle phases of innovative projects has been analyzed. The management principle of the full life cycle and technology of the program architecture development have been considered. The innovative projects should be considered in the set of corresponding programs according to the direction on the general aims. The content of projects should be clearly agreed with the mission, strategy and scripts of the program through its architecture. The architecture development foresees the definition of the mission, strategy, scripts, standard models and structures of the projects and has a feedback cycle to provide the flexibility and adaptability. The further research in this direction should be focused on the development of the standard models and structures of the innovative projects and on the rules of their appliance in terms of the specific architectures.Документ Creating an online platform for managing joint educational programs with foreign partners(2018) Ryzhkov, O. S.; Ryzhkov, R. S.; Рижков, О. С.; Рижков, Р. С.Distance education is the ideal solution for professionals who want to continue their careers. This makes it possible to obtain an additional qualification and save the current job. Distance learning programs can be the key to the career and promotion through a flex¬ible schedule and resources that are available on the Internet. During globalization and the rapid technology development, the functioning of the university as a full-fledged player of the international market cannot be imagined without the use of distance learning methods. The modern online platform “WeStudy” has been developed for the Ukrainian market of edu-cational services. The issues of using modern information and communication technologies are examined in order to improve the quality of educational services in the implementation of joint Ukrainian-Chinese projects. The programs between the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding and its two partners - Zhejiang University International College and Jiangsu University of Science and Technology are taken as a pilot.Документ Current prerequisites and economic expediency of CNG-technologies implementation in black sea(2014) Kryzhanovskiy, Ye. I.; Крыжановский, Е. И.; Dzeba, O. G.; Дзеба, О. Г.; Zaytsev, Vladimir V.; Зайцев, В. В.; Zaytsev, Valeriy V.; Зайцев, Вал. В.; Dzhus, A. P.; Джус, А. П.; Susak, A. M.; Сусак, А. М.The possibility and expediency of application of the compressed natural gas trans-portation technology for its transportation to the shore terminals has been considered in the connection to the Black Sea shelf. The aim of research is to analyze the prerequisites and detail the concept of construction of the offshore natural gas output and transportation sys-tem and prove the economic expediency of the CNG-technology to transport the gas from the Black Sea offshore deposit to the shore terminals. It is established that the approximate distance of the gas transportation through the offshore zones does not exceed 100...120 km for the majority of the identified deposits. The research results can be applied to design the self-propelled and non-self-propelled CNG-ships. The obtained results of the analysis of technical and economic conditions of the CNG-technology application for the natural gas transportation from the Black Sea offshore deposits, as well as the obtained results during the preliminary technical and economic justification demonstrate the technical and economic expediency of the practical application of the CNG-technology.Документ Design and Analysis of Doubly Salient Permanent Magnet Dual-Mechanical Port Motor for Offshore Ships(2017) Wang Yingxing; Li Yuanyuan; Huang ChunxiangДокумент